Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Now I'm Three?

The days (and nights!) can be long, but the years go by fast.

There doesn't seem to be a consensus on whether 3 is better than 2, so we're just living and learning. So far the answer is yes and no.

Why yes?
  • No more diapers.
  • He can communicate and express himself pretty fully.
  • He tells us he loves us and gives hugs. (But then he also says he loves the smoke alarm...)

Why no?

  • Bedtime routine, now that he's in a bed, takes up to 2 hours!!
  • Now he really does mean "no" when he says it, which leads to drawn-out negotiations, then threats, then everyone being upset -- usually when you need to leave the house in 2 minutes


Blogger Dog Lady said...

Cute b-day picture!

It's good to hear that the potty training has taken and you are free from diaper duty.

9:05 AM  

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