Thursday, August 25, 2005

Fun in Boulder

It's so great to have close girlfriends with kids Noah's age. I like to think I sparked Kirsten's competitive nature when I got pregnant as she quickly got into the spirit of things by getting pregnant two months later with Amerie. And then sprinted on ahead of me by having Anamika just 2 years later!

Here are Noah and Amerie vacationing in Boulder together this July.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Now I'm Three?

The days (and nights!) can be long, but the years go by fast.

There doesn't seem to be a consensus on whether 3 is better than 2, so we're just living and learning. So far the answer is yes and no.

Why yes?
  • No more diapers.
  • He can communicate and express himself pretty fully.
  • He tells us he loves us and gives hugs. (But then he also says he loves the smoke alarm...)

Why no?

  • Bedtime routine, now that he's in a bed, takes up to 2 hours!!
  • Now he really does mean "no" when he says it, which leads to drawn-out negotiations, then threats, then everyone being upset -- usually when you need to leave the house in 2 minutes

Hmmm, how to start...

It's all about Noah these days, so what better topic to blog on than him?

While this isn't necessarily his best pic, it's just so Noah. He turned 3 last month and is quickly leaving babyhood behind. Key milestones for all of us include finally throwing out that 3-year old Diaper Genie (it's gotten quite stinky), the changing pad and saying good by to the crib.